Apple saugt den Flash-Markt leer

In diesem Artikel der englischen Macworld wird auf einen Text von Bezug genommen, der vor der allgemeinen Verknappung von Flash-DRAM warnt, weil Apple allein wohl c.a. 25% der Weltjahresproduktion aufkauft.
In den Kommentaren zum Macdailynews-Posting zu diesem Artikel hat dann jemand die Rechnung aufgemacht, wieviel das eigentlich wirklich ist:

I have to admit that – back in the days of Spindler and Amelio and as much of a Macolyte as I might be – I never thought I’d see the day when Apple would have the purchasing power to so completely influence a single commodity in way it does with flash memory.

I worked it out a little while back that Apple is consuming about 40 petabytes (40,000,000 GB) of flash ram every quarter and that’s without the iPhone.

If you equate that to fully maxed-out Xserve RAID units (14 x 750GB), my calculation is that you’d need over 280 42U racks each with 147TB delivered by 14 RAID units; 7 racks is about a petabyte; 280 racks is 40 PB.

For those who prefer to think in volume, that’s about a six-foot high wall of XServe RAID racks about 190 yards long. Anyway you cut it, that’s a lot of storage.

Der Hammer, oder?