MUM86A – unboxing

I don’t remember exactly the first time I read about this machine. But I do remember that from that day on, I wanted one.
But there was a slight problem.
I already had a kitchen machine. The trusted Siemens MK 1001 with a lot of add ons that my mother had given to me. Most notable here is the flour mill, which I used to use to mill rye floor and prepare my Frischkornbrei (“water-soaked ground cereals with fruit”).
Then, some weeks ago, it stopped working at all.
So, I was ready for a new food-processor!
Ordered last week, it arrived today, in an almost cubic packaging.

mum86a packaging

When you open the lid, you get a glimpse at just how massive this thing is.

mum86a top lid open
mum86a packaging slightly open

It’s gorgeous. Even Steve Jobs would agree with that 😉

mum86a unpacked
mum86a sitting on kitchen shelf

It does come with some accessories. Though, there are some more available. I like to joke that it’s the Mercedes of food processors: you can spend the price of the base unit on top of it for accessories 😉

mum86a accessories
mum86a with the delivered accessories

One thing that is included is a giant blender. 1.75 liters.

mum86a with blender
mum86a with blender

Resting on its place in my kitchen. I will need to cover it with something or it will get very dusty very soon.

mum86a on kitchen shelf
mum86a sitting on kitchen shelf

I’ve still got some bread I bought yesterday, so I will have to wait before I can switch it on for the first time.

It’s coming!

Finally, after a long wait:

Strange how something that originates maybe 20km from my home is first transported 50km or so away from me before being sent back again. It’s madness.


Over the holidays, I was at my parent’s place and watched some TV.
They’ve got a relatively new one, with the content coming over DVB-T.
At the time, I thought the picture looked strange, unnaturally crisp. But I couldn’t really put it in words.
Then, I stumbled on this comment on slashdot:

A lot of hi-def production looks terrible now-a-days because it’s too real, it looks like actors standing on a set

Bingo, that’s the metaphor I was looking for!